H2-Greenforce Strategic Partners
H2 Greenforce technology is solid and tried and tested.
H2-Greenforce has strategic alliances with fully bankable global market leaders in their advanced technology sectors, guaranteeing state-of-the-art production along with the highest level of innovation and reliability of critical components.
Local EPC and construction workers are deployed along with local professionals for ongoing maintenance and repairs, creating local long-term jobs and benefiting the local economy.
Who we are
H2-Greenforce Group consists of experienced experts in the field of energy production, decarbonization and reduction of greenhouse gases. Using clean renewable energy to generate electricity and advanced hydrogen production technology, H2-Greenforce offers a truly scalable and flexible solution that serves hydrogen needs across all hydrogen use sectors. From the same system, H2-Greenforce can provide energy for e-mobility via its own charging stations.
Developing a 500MW hydrogen project in Greece
H2-Greenforce is Developing a 500MW hydrogen project in Greece [...]
H2-Greenforce BV and ICOGT LLC from Dubai announce the establishment of a joint venture
H2-Greenforce BV and ICOGT LLC from Dubai announce the [...]
H2-Greenforce BV develops 1GW hydrogen project in Tunisia
H2-Greenforce BV develops 1GW hydrogen project in Tunisia H2-Greenforce [...]